The beef industry in 2023 has witnessed notable trends in carcass premium spreads, cattle prices, and market dynamics. As the year progresses, the carcass premium continues to show strength, reflecting the complex interplay of supply, demand, and pricing in the beef market.
Live Cattle futures have recovered, with noticeable gains in December contracts and a slight dip in recent days. However, despite these uptrends, cash fed cattle prices have seen a decline, with a significant drop in negotiated steer average prices.
The wholesale cutout values also experienced a marginal decrease, aligning with a general 4% price decline since November. This trend is further accentuated by a reduction in cash cattle prices by roughly 8%.
Interestingly, packer spot market margins have moved positively, with analyst estimates indicating a range from $20 to $60 per cwt. This shift is crucial as it brings back the incentive for increased weekly slaughter, potentially impacting supply chain currentness.