Renewed Agriculture Partnership Provides Ontario Growers with Sustainable Solutions

Mar 23, 2022

London, ON – The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO), the Ontario Agri Business Association (OABA), the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) and the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario (CFFO) showed their commitment to leadership in sustainable agriculture by renewing the Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) for the 4R Nutrient Stewardship program. This will help Ontario’s agriculture community protect soil health and water quality and integrate climate smart agriculture and nutrient management.

4R Nutrient Stewardship is an internationally recognized best management practice (BMP) system with four key pillars for fertilizer application: Right Source @ Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place®. This science-based approach helps growers understand how efficient fertilizer application improves profitability while reducing nutrient losses to the environment. The MOC adapts the program to Ontario’s agricultural production systems and unique regional climatic, soil, and operational conditions to help growers reduce environmental impacts while maximizing crop yields and economic benefits.

The MOC represents a combined investment of $255,000 over the next three years for the administration and implementation of the program.

Since the last MOC renewal, the program has seen advancements that have resulted in increased participation. As of 2021 there are 29 4R agri-retailer sites representing 950,000 acres in the province working under a 4R system.

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