Registration is now open for Science in the Pub!

Jan 15, 2020

Don’t miss out on PIC’s Science in the Pub session on Monday, January 20th. The session is being held at the Shakespeare Arms Pub 35 Harvard Rd, Guelph. Doors open at 5:00 – session begins at 5:30 pm. Cost is $30.00 for general admission and $10.00 for students. Pub snacks are included in the cost of admission – cash bar. Space is limited to 40 attendees so register early.
Climate Change, and Efficient Resource Usage
Keith Currie is the current President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, and Vice President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture. He will speak to us about the facts. Consumers are looking for low-impact agriculture and, the economic drivers of agriculture aren’t going away.
Burnbrae Farms Inc. announced the official opening of its first solar-powered facility based in Oxford County October 2019. The farm is the largest solar-powered egg laying farm in Canada producing more power than it uses and sharing power with the adjoining farm. Hear how, and why they made the move!
Jacqui Laporte, Environmental Specialist, OMAFRA will walk you over the water options for your impermeable surfaces while encouraging you to re-think your rain water.
Click here to register on-line.

Source : PIC
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