“I know a lot of people look forward to the regional show. It’s a way for them to showcase what they have learned throughout the year and then just a chance to kind of finish it all,” Olson said. “4-H isn’t always about winning. 4-H is about doing your best, showing your commitment to agriculture, showing that you can care for an animal, present an animal, no matter what the outcome.”
The female show will be held on Sunday, July 7 with the steer show to follow on Monday. The sale will start at 6 p.m., which Olson said is a change from previous years.
“It’s just moving up a bit. If you’re looking to put beef in your freezer and support a 4-H member, you’re more than welcome at the regional steer sale Monday at 6 p.m., which is a new sale time. The sale will also be broadcast through DLMS,” he said. “We graciously thank all our buyers for coming out and purchasing an animal. You can come out and chat with the members and the leaders anytime throughout the day.”
The Meskanaw/Ethelton 4-H Beef Club is the organizer for the annual fundraiser which will be different from the Charity Steer auction fundraiser.
“They are doing a hanging beef, ready to be cut and wrapped, according to the winner’s specifications where all proceeds are going to STARS,” Olson said.
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