“A burning question for many is when will the Alberta cattle sector see a rebuild of its cow herd,” says Ann Boyda provincial livestock market analyst with the Alberta government. “Typically, what is needed are high calf prices and adequate precipitation. Both factors seem to be currently working in the sector’s favour, but the sector sits in limbo.”
Moisture has been direly needed after compounding years of drought. The June 27, 2024 Agricultural Moisture Situation Update had forecast widespread rain for much of the province for the first week of July. The 30-day trends in precipitation patterns were reported to have been near normal and many areas have received adequate moisture, except for a dry area west of Red Deer. Although July may still see the return to hot drier conditions, typically more so in the south, pasture and tame hay conditions are rated as 66% good to excellent, according to the July 9, 2024 Crop Report.
“Improved moisture conditions are but one supporting factor needed to trigger a sector rebuild,” explains Boyda. “Prospects for future profitability are essential. High calf prices should theoretically stimulate new or expansion of cattle herds, but recent record high prices have not had this effect.”
The average price of 550-pound steers for the first half of 2024 in Alberta is estimated at $420.69/hundredweight but cow inventory levels seem unaffected. With a smaller calf crop anticipated, strong prices are expected to continue.