The Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission (Sask Wheat) is calling on the Government of Canada to immediately enact binding arbitration to end the dual work stoppage at CN and CPKC.
Sask Wheat represents the wheat and winter cereals producers of Saskatchewan for whom timely, responsive and efficient rail service is fundamental to crop marketing and profitability. In 2023, Saskatchewan produced over 40 percent of the spring wheat and 80 percent of the durum grown in Canada, the majority of which is moved by rail to ocean ports and then to export markets. On average, over the past 10 crop years, over 200,000 tonnes of wheat and durum per week is shipped from primary elevators in the province during the harvest period. At current prices, this represents a value of almost $55 million per week.
The work stoppage will have a direct effect on Saskatchewan farmers’ ability to deliver grain, leaving many producers unable to meet their cash flow requirements. “The situation is exacerbated given that harvest has started, and farmers are unable to move grain from previous harvests to make room for this year’s crop or deliver grain that has been sold for delivery periods this fall,” said Sask Wheat chair, Jake Leguee. “Not only will this create significant storage capacity issues on farm, but cash flow issues will also arise as bills for this year’s crop come due and expenses begin to accrue for next year.” As farmers begin planning for next year's crop, the work stoppage will also disrupt supply chains for key inputs, including fertilizer, creating more uncertainty for producers on availability and pricing.
Saskatchewan farmers are captive to rail to move their grain to export position, and do not have the option of using other transportation methods during a service disruption. As an additional 5,000 trucks would be needed to move approximately 200,000 tonnes of wheat and durum per week, there are simply not enough trucks to fill this demand and Saskatchewan’s distance from shipping locations would make it cost prohibitive.