Q&A: How Often do I Need to Record Dicamba Sprayer Cleanout?

Mar 07, 2018

By Clyde Ogg
Q: Since I must record how and when the spray system cleanout was done, how should I do this when using the same RUP dicamba product on Xtend soybeans for multiple loads and/or over several days?
A: The RUP dicamba labels require you to record how and when the equipment was cleaned, every time you clean it. At minimum, the spray system must be cleaned before the first load of RUP dicamba is applied and after the last continuous RUP dicamba application is completed. Equipment does not need to be cleaned after every application or every load if your spray mixes are identical and are all made with allowed tank mix partners/products applied to Xtend soybeans. In that case, you could document cleanout dates and procedures of the first and last applications, and include all required pesticide application records for fields sprayed in between.