Purdue Extension To Help East-Central Indiana Farmers Respond To Flooded Crops

Aug 03, 2015
By Keith Robinson
A Purdue Extension program in Hartford City on Aug. 7 will help farmers in east-central Indiana better understand issues resulting from flooded crops and give them information to help them recover.
Flood 15
The meeting will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Lake Placid Christian Conference Center, 397 S. 200 E.
"Purdue Extension in the region felt that providing access to resources of Extension specialists and area services may help the agriculture community in making decisions to move forward after extreme amounts of rain this spring," said Larry Temple, Jay County Extension director and agriculture and natural resources educator.
The program will open with a brief presentation on Farm Services Agency and Farm Credit Services crop insurance, followed by these topics:
* Soybean crop issues: Laura Lindsey, assistant professor at Ohio State University.
* Corn crop issues: Bob Nielsen, Purdue Extension corn specialist.
* Forage crops: Keith Johnson, Purdue University Extension forage specialist.
* Cover crops: Dennis Brown of Byron Seeds LLC in Bluffton.
* The effect on markets: Chris Hurt, Purdue Extension agricultural economist.
There will be a question-and-answer session at the conclusion.