In the US, seeded area of peas was bumped up by the USDA to 1.03 mln acres, 7% more than last year and the largest acreage base since 2019. The USDA doesn’t provide a breakdown by type, but we would expect some shift toward greens, likely 35% of the total. Conditions there are mostly favourable too.
StatsCan’s estimate of 2024 lentil acreage was also raised from its earlier report, now at 4.2 mln acres, 15% more than last year. While that’s a solid bounce from last year’s low, this lentil area certainly isn’t huge. If there are gains in production, much of that would come from a recovery in yields. Heavy rains recently have added a lot more uncertainty for lentils but for now, we’ll use the pre-2021 average of 1,360 pounds (22.7 bushels) per acre, which would mean a 53% increase in the 2024 crop.
Just like peas, the acreage breakdown by type is very important for lentils. As expected, the strong price signals for green lentils caused a larger increase for those types, with large green acreage up 24% and small greens expanding 28% from last year. Seeded area of red lentils was also higher than last year but the gains were more modest at 11%.
South of the border, there was a much larger increase in lentil acreage. The USDA reported lentil area at 856,000 acres, 57% more than last year and the most since 2017. Keep in mind, roughly three-quarters of US lentils are medium greens, which will weigh more heavily on that portion of the market. There will be little if any impact on red lentils.
Other pulses also saw sizable acreage increases. In Canada, seeded area of chickpeas was reported at 454,000 acres, 44% more than last year and the most since 2002/03. That said, seeding delays may have trimmed a few acres from the total. The USDA showed US farmers planting 502,000 acres of chickpeas, up 35% from last year.
Seeded area of dry beans in Canada was reported by StatsCan at 371,000 acres, 17% more than last year, but that could be on the low side. In the US, dry bean plantings were reported at 1.36 mln acres, up 15% from 2023.
The one exception to increased pulse acreage seems to be fababeans in Canada. StatsCan reported seeded area at 81,000 acres, down 12% from last year.
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