The estimated total cost for finishing a steer last week was $2,324 per head, up 8% from last year’s estimate of $2,134 per head.
Fed cattle slaughter totaled an estimated 424,457, down 75,532 head from the same week last year. Packing plant capacity utilization was estimated at 72.5% compared to 72.7% last year.
Farrow-to-finish hog producers found positive margins of $57 per head last week, up $43 from the previous week. Lean carcass prices averaged $93.30 per cwt., up $2.33 cents per cwt. from the previous week.
Pork packers saw average losses of $9 per head, compared to near breakeven the previous week. Last year pork packer margins were $5. Hog slaughter was estimated at 2.045 million head, up 92,000 head from the same week last year.
Pork packer capacity utilization was estimated at 75.8% compared to 72.5% last year.
(Note: The Sterling Beef Profit Tracker calculates an average beef cutout value for the week in its estimates for feedyard and packer margins. Other prices in the weekly Profit Tracker also are calculated weekly averages. Feedyard margins are calculated on a cash basis only with no adjustment for risk management practices. The Beef and Pork Profit Trackers are intended only as a benchmark for the average cash costs of feeding cattle and hogs. Sterling Marketing is a private, independent beef and pork consulting firm not associated with any packing company or livestock feeding enterprise.)
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