Prepare Farm Employees for Winter Conditions

Jan 02, 2018
Cold and snow create challenges for everyone, especially for immigrant workers who may not be familiar with extreme cold.
"Farm employees, by the nature of their work, most often spend at least some portion of their workday outdoors or in unheated buildings. Especially if this is your employee's first exposure to extreme cold, it is important that employers ensure they have access to proper winter clothing to stay safe and a clear understanding of the dangers brought on by extreme cold," said Maristela Rovai, Assistant Professor & SDSU Extension Dairy Specialist.
Below Rovai lists some tips employers can go over with their employees.
  • Go over your own winter gear and show them where these items can be purchased;
  • Put together an emergency travel kit for employees and explain winter driving safety.
  • Find a winter safety bilingual brochure developed by SDSU Extension staff.
"Knowledge and prevention are key to being safe during extreme winter conditions," Rovai explained.