When passing the farm to the next generation, many farmers hand over the keys to the combine and a sparsely detailed harvest notebook. Mapping technology helps keep soil-health records, site-specific weather patterns and more to help successors make well-founded decisions. Precision ag techniques: aerial imagery, GIS mapping, GPS, soil sampling, weather data and yield monitoring.
Substantiate trust
Evidence goes a long way toward dispelling the doubts of banks and landlords. Data-verified records of strong land management and farming practices give you proof to back your claims that you are a good steward. Precision ag techniques: soil sampling, weather data and yield monitoring.
Verify your gut
Farmers often look to their gut instinct to help make big decisions. Reinforcing that gut feeling with ag-software recommendations for seeding, spraying and irrigating can help you feel more confident in your decisions. Precision ag techniques: Aerial imagery, Rx software, soil sampling, VR tech, weather data and yield monitoring.
- See more at: http://unitedsoybean.org/article/precision-decisions-and-more/#sthash.ZP9lV3VW.dpuf
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