Poultry Enthusiasts Are Encouraged To Sign Up For MSU Extension News Digest

Jan 21, 2016
By Jamie Wilson
Photo courtesy of flickr user Austin Valley via a Creative Commons license.
Subscribe to the MSU Extension Poultry digest to ensure you have the most up-to-date information about avian influenza.
Throughout 2015, avian influenza was a hot topic for poultry producers, backyard flock owners and 4-H’ers alike. With news of the devastating disease surfacing again in nearby states, Michigan State University Extension encourages poultry enthusiasts in Michigan to subscribe to the MSU Extension Poultry news digest to ensure they have up-to-date information.
“The entire poultry industry remains on high alert about avian influenza, and because Michigan lies on the natural migration path for wild birds, we are especially at risk,” said Darrin Karcher, MSU Extension poultry specialist. “To help prevent the spread of the disease and protect poultry flocks, we want to make sure that any Michigan resident with birds at home is prepared with the latest information about avian influenza. The MSU Extension Poultry News digest makes it easy to get that information delivered right to you.”
MSU Extension News digests are electronic newsletters of recent articles and events published on the MSU Extension website. They are available in a number of customizable interest areas, including poultry and other 4-H and agriculture topics. The newsletters are generally delivered once a month. When there is an emergent issue, information is shared more quickly.
“Should there be breaking news about avian influenza, such as an outbreak or a change in the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’s cancellation of poultry exhibitions, we will use the MSU Extension News digest system to update our subscribers,” Karcher said. “As soon as we know, so will our subscribers.”
If you are a poultry producer, a 4-H or FFA member or volunteer, the owner of a backyard flock or someone who’s just interested in poultry, sign up for MSU Extension’s Poultry News digest. To subscribe, text “MSUE” to 22828 or visit msue.msu.edu and click on “Newsletter Sign-Up”. Follow the prompts and select the poultry digest, as well as other topic areas that may interest you. You can unsubscribe or change your areas of interest at any time.
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