This recipe provides an introductory approach to integrating a cover crop mix of oats and radish after wheat harvest going to corn or soybean the next year. Since both oat and radish can be sown after wheat harvest and usually winter-kill, it is a low-risk mix that will help control tough perennial weeds, minimize erosion, build soil structure, reduce compaction, and add some extra diversity to your rotation.
Planning and Preparation
- Planning—Keep it simple. Start small on one field. Be timely. Prioritize cover crop management based on your goals. Fine-tune the recipe for your needs over time.
- Wheat variety and planting—No modifications to wheat crop are required for the successful use of cover crops after wheat harvest.
- Residual wheat herbicides—Oats and radish are tolerant of most herbicides applied to the wheat crop in-season before flag leaf emergence.
- Seed purchase—Seed supplies and prices can vary depending on the time of year; it is good practice to order seed early (before wheat harvest). The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) has compiled a list of reputable cover crop seed suppliers (see Resources).
Summer/Fall Work