Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan’s annual general meeting or AGM is on January 8th. It is an online AGM both recapping the 2024 year as well as looking ahead to the 2025 growing year. Anyone interested is invited to join and learn about the inner workings of Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan and will be introduced to a new organization created in partnership called Canadian Food Focus. Clinton Monchuk, program director with Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan, is excited for this new organization to help bring food awareness to more urban centers.
"This brand has been going on for probably a little over 5 years now called Canadian Food Focus and we've been having a lot of traction I guess you could say in the urban communities bringing some of that knowledge and the understanding of food and food products to a lot of the individuals that just don't have an opportunity to see agriculture like we do here in the province of Saskatchewan.”
While most producers or those involved within the agriculture sector in Saskatchewan know about Farm and Food Care, Canadian Food Focus tries to help relay education surrounding food to those within bigger cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, or Montreal who may not know the inner workings of where their food comes from. Monchuk states that since its creation 5 years ago, it’s been well received and looks forward to what the future could hold for Canadian Food Focus.
“We had to figure out an avenue in which we could actually get that interest rate off the start to have them following our information. One of those things that we're finding is that people are genuinely interested in food. This is one of the engagement exercises that we knew we had to do to capture that urban audience and we’re doing it in large numbers now.”