After reviewing and approving more than 1,000 applications, RDAR is pleased to announce the re-opening of the 2024 OFCAF program for an additional intake of 150 funding applications. The new intake will fulfil RDAR’s commitment to distributing all available OFCAF funds to Alberta producers, enabling them to adopt impactful, sustainable changes on their farms and ranches.
The ARGO online application system will open at 0800 h on September 6th, 2024, to accept applications. RDAR will continue to receive project applications on a first-come, first-served basis until funding is fully committed.
How to Apply:
Please submit your application online through ARGO.
Detailed application guidelines, tutorials and templates are available on the OFCAF website.
If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our office at
1-877-503-5955 or We are here to assist you.
Important Dates and Information: