Non-antibiotic Approaches for Disease Prevention and Control in Nursery Pigs: A Scoping Review

May 18, 2021

Swine producers are encouraged to practice antibiotic stewardship by reducing their use of antibiotics belonging to classes of medical importance to humans. We conducted a scoping review of non-antibiotic approaches in the form of products or management practices that might prevent or control disease and thus reduce the need for antibiotics in nursery pigs. Our objectives were to systematically describe the research on this broad topic for the North American context, identify specific topics that could feasibly support systematic reviews, and identify knowledge gaps. A search of multiple databases identified 11,316 articles and proceedings for relevance screening. From these, 441 eligible clinical trials and observational studies were charted. The majority were clinical trials (94%). Study results from EU countries were mostly communicated through journal articles, whereas study results from the USA were mostly communicated through conference proceedings. Interventions and health outcomes were diverse. The two most frequent intervention categories were feed additives and piglet vaccines. The three most frequent outcomes reported were diarrhea, mortality, and indices of vaccine immunity. There were 13 specific topics comprising various feed additives and vaccines that might feasibly support systematic reviews.  

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