An agriculture reporter with the Western Producer says the news media has an important role to play in helping increase awareness of dangers posed by wild pigs."How to reach the public, working with the media" was the among the topics discussed as part of Animal Health Canada's Canadian Wild Pig Summit, hosted in Brandon in partnership with Assiniboine Community College, Squeal on Pigs Manitoba and Manitoba Pork.
Ed White, an agriculture reporter with the Western Producer, told those on hand the media is playing a key role in building public awareness.
Quote-Ed White-Western Producer:
To reach the vast public out there, beyond people that will be actively looking for information on this, I think you really have to work with news media.
That's what gets to the average person in some way and it may not be through any one media outlet but a combination of hearing about stuff on radio, on TV, on YouTube, on Facebook, obviously where I work at a newspaper, magazines, that's where I think most people still get a lot of their information.
Official sources are great but most people never see those.