A new Manitoba website will bring together farmers who have available grazing pasture or cover crop fields with livestock owners/ranchers who are seeking grazing land.
A joint effort between the Manitoba Organic Alliance and the Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA), the Manitoba Grazing Exchange website became reality in the fall of 2021 and was officially launched last week. The website uses an interactive map to make it easier for livestock producers to connect with grain producers for mutual benefit.
“Integrating livestock onto cropland and proper grassland management is key to improving soil health and is becoming increasingly adopted by climate-friendly farmers who are building their soil health and reducing their greenhouse gas emissions,” said Lawrence Knockaert, MFGA chair. “After the recent summers we have just experienced with dry conditions here in Manitoba, the connections via this website stand to become even more important as possible feed sources for livestock in times of drought.”
Among the many benefits of grazing is improved soil fertility and increased organic matter. Grazing can also aid in managing weed pressure and provides a feed alternative in times of drought when feed stocks are low.