Ground Truth Agriculture, Parametrics.Ag, Cas-Grain Farms and C-Merak Innovations are combining their expertise in the areas of software development, ingredient processing and agronomics to design an in-season protein prediction model and on-combine grain grading and quality system that can be used to assess crop quality in real time during the growing season and harvest.
“Being able to accurately predict important crop yield and quality specifications during the growing season before crops are harvested has been a highly demanded data variable by producers and industry stakeholders for years, but non-localized data and rigid processes haven’t met the need in order to make valuable actions so far,” said Damon Johnson, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Parametrics.Ag. “Our discipline in only using the most accurate, robust and local datasets, combined with sophisticated internally developed machine learning processes, creates an intuitive environment to develop new AI methods that support the protein industry participants’ food safety and security needs in the future.”
“Since the beginning of conventional farming, farmers have had to rely on a subjective, blanket approach to grain grading that does not provide them with a complete and actionable picture of their quality,” Ground Truth Agriculture Founder and CEO Kyle Folk said. “Ground Truth Ag’s precision-location, automated grain grading technology uses cutting-edge scientific advancements in machine learning to make grain grading objective and consistent throughout the entire supply chain — starting on the farm. What we are building will change agriculture on a global scale.”
In-field validation of grain quality will provide farmers with an earlier indication of their crop’s yield, protein content and overall quality to improve their decision making and sale opportunities.
"Farming will always be both an art and a science. More and more, real-time data collection offers valuable insights to guide decision-making. We are excited to work with our project partners to develop AI-driven solutions that will improve in-season prediction of crop quality and attributes to manage inputs and create higher returns through market opportunities," said Cas-Grain Farms CEO Vince Casavant.
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