The council is a public agency that oversees agricultural marketing boards and commissions to ensure they are implementing governance best practices, provides policy advice to the minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, and administers legislation for the agricultural industry and government.
“This is an important board, whose membership includes people with excellent agricultural credentials and experience. It provides the government with advice to ensure our ag industry remains competitive and innovative, while attracting investment, creating jobs and putting food on the tables of Alberta families and families across the country and around the world.”
RJ Sigurdson, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation
Three appointees are returning for a second term, including the new council chair, John Buckley, and vice-chair, Henricus Bos. The new chair and vice-chair will assume their executive positions effective March 21, 2025. The third appointment for a second term is council member John Guelly.
Susan Novak continues to serve as the government’s representative.