Ottawa – The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) is the latest partner to join Canada’s Food & Agri-Tech Engine in recognition of the key role innovation has in the agriculture sector. Canada’s largest farm organization has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Bioenterprise Canada to collaborate on uniting and strengthening agri-food innovation across the country.
“Farmers have a true understanding of the innovation needs on the ground and we welcome the opportunity to work more closely with the primary production sector so we can support and advance the new technologies and opportunities that will best serve the industry’s short and long-term success,” says Bioenterprise Canada CEO Dave Smardon.
For CFA, which represents approximately 200,000 farm families from coast to coast, innovation is critical in supporting the sustainability, productivity and global competitiveness Canadian agriculture needs now and in the future. The partnership will help the organization build closer connections to the Canadian innovation sector through Bioenterprise’s national network while keeping farmers better informed about emerging technologies and opportunities.
“As a group founded on the principle of speaking with a unified voice, we believe Bioenterprise Canada is playing an important role in bringing together what can otherwise be a fragmented innovation ecosystem,” says CFA President Mary Robinson. “CFA looks forward to ensuring farmers have a strong voice in driving agricultural innovation and ensuring Canada has an environment conducive to the adoption of new practices and technologies.”