As we look at these costs moving forward, they are probably going to be even higher when we look at the 2020 to 2025 numbers. Unfortunately, it puts the question back to the industry to say, “what can we do?” As we look at the Morrison Swine Health Monitoring Projects, we see an increased number of herds staying in Category One where they have active virus moving in the herd.
One of the things we can do is continue to work on having less of those herds and reduce the number of herds that are in that Category One shedding virus. We know there are still going to be positive herds until there is a more formal program, but at least reducing those numbers can help us as we go forward. It can reduce the opportunity for the recombinations of the viruses and some of those headaches that come along with that over time.
If you look at the costs that we spoke about earlier, there is an economic benefit for the producers to try and get those field strains out of their herds and try and put the biosecurity pieces into place to try and keep those strains from coming back.
In the sow farms, there has been a lot of movement toward filtration and the complete biosecurity package to protect those farms. But we also need to move to the grow-finish side and improve our biosecurity. So, we are not carrying it through grow-finish and increasing that cost more than it necessarily must be.
Has there been progress in grow-finish biosecurity?
Absolutely, there is progress being made. I would say not everybody is moving at the same pace, but there is a much higher level of awareness today, and there are more people taking proactive steps.
There are some things you can do that don’t cost a lot that can help with biosecurity. Improving biosecurity can be as simple as cleaning benches and boot changes. Making sure we are not wearing the same boots and coveralls between multiple sites where we are doing chores, which is just one simple thing.
I would say producers are looking at what they can do within the constraints of their barns. A lot of these older barns are not as easy to retrofit for a biosecurity system as newer barns. But we are making progress, but there is still room for improvement.
Bigger picture, what would it take from an industry-wide standpoint to really make a dent in the cost of PRRS?
Gene editing is still in the process of being approved through the FDA. Gene edit offers an incredible opportunity. Again, that must have consumer acceptance and all those things that go along with it, but the science behind the program is exceptionally good. It looks like - and we saw some of the data at the meetings here - those pigs just do not get infected. With that technology, it could be very promising for us, but it is not going to be the whole answer.
Even if that technology were here tomorrow, we still need good biosecurity and biocontainment - the forgotten piece of biosecurity. If we have positive sites, we must make sure that we are being careful not to move it down the road. We cannot forget biocontainment. Oftentimes that is the easy one to forget when you have an outbreak, and it is important that we try and keep the virus confined to that site.
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