Rachel Grimes, a small-town girl from Archie, Missouri, transformed her interest in hog shows into a successful career. Her journey was marked by the continuous excitement of the dynamic show ring environment and the demanding nature of the hogs.
Grimes was fortunate to have her parents support her initial venture into hog showing, including building a hog barn and funding travel for shows. However, it was her bond with the McAlexander family, especially Eric McAlexander, that shaped her journey significantly.
While the financial aspects of maintaining her operations were challenging, Grimes turned it into a lesson on self-sustainability. Earnings from selling her fair-winning pigs financed her subsequent operations.
With time, determination, and effective selection and feeding processes, Grimes saw her breakthrough in 2015 when she earned the top two awards at her county fair. This victory spurred her to compete in national shows and even raise her hogs.