Manitoba Pork Producers Welcome Updated Building Code

Feb 02, 2017
On behalf of Manitoba pork producers, Manitoba Pork Chair George Matheson welcomes the Government of Manitoba’s recent commitment to repealing the Manitoba Farm Building Code, and amending the Manitoba Building Code by adding specific provisions for farm buildings. The current farm building code is based on a commercial industrial standard and is not appropriate for low-occupancy farm buildings such as barns.
The amended Manitoba Building Code will mean that producers are no longer forced to incorporate unnecessary requirements into the construction of barns. “We estimate the new provisions will save producers tens of thousands of dollars when building barns,” notes Matheson, a pork producer near Stonewall. “This action by the Manitoba government will help our industry stay competitive with other jurisdictions, while maintaining high safety standards to protect farm workers and livestock.”
Along with adoption of amendments to the marketing regulation for Manitoba Pork earlier this year, the revised building code is another positive example of the Manitoba government’s red tape reduction initiatives. Manitoba Pork looks forward to continuing collaboration with the government on additional improvements to legislative and regulatory systems for producers. World demand for pork products continues to expand, and Manitoba producers want to retain their share of the growing markets. More pork exports will bring more jobs to Manitoba and will help grow the provincial economy.
Manitoba Pork represents Manitoba hog farmers. The provincial pork industry contributes over $1.7 billion and 13,000 jobs to Manitoba’s economy each year.
Source : ManitobaPork
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