Manitoba Beef Producers Reflects On 2019

Dec 26, 2019
Trade was a key concern for Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) in 2019.
"Trade is definitely an important piece for any commodities market, especially within the beef industry," said General Manager Carson Callum. "We want to make sure we have a diverse market, so we don't rely on one particular market in general and I know we had some challenges with the Chinese market this year but it was good to hear that that market has been reopened and we hope to maintain a good relationship with that market on a federal scale."
He talked about some of the other areas of focus throughout the year.
"Whether that's the drought related issues that led into the crazy snowfall we had that has really led to a lot of feed availability challenges for producers across the province. Crown Lands changes, some of the changes to transport that are going to implemented. Predation, that's another big one."
Callum also looked ahead to 2020.
"There's a variety of things we'll keep working on. Whether it's the Crown Lands changes and trying to get some valuable change there related to those new regulations. We want to make sure that we continue to push on the different Business Risk Management tools that are available to producers to ensure that they are effective. Especially if we get into another poor production year that we've had in the past number of years here."
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