Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report

Sep 27, 2016
Weekly Provincial Summary 
  1. Producers in Manitoba continue to harvest spring cereals, canola, flax, edible beans and soybeans. The first acres of sunflowers and grain corn were also harvested. However, harvest progress was slowed over the weekend due to rainfall.
  2. Winter wheat and fall rye is emerging with excellent germination and stand establishment reported.
  3. Fall field work including post-harvest weed control, baling of straw, tillage and soil testing is on-going.
Southwest Region
Producers in the Southwest Region were able to harvest between showers the past week as the threat of more rainfall for the weekend was in the forecast. The weekend brought rain with several areas reporting 25 to 50 mm and some areas reporting as high as 80 mm.
The cereal harvest is nearing completion with approximately 10 to 15% of wheat still to harvest. Yields are reported to be average with average quality. Canola harvest is 70% complete with most producers reporting average yields and good quality. Flax harvest has yet to start; crop looks to be average.
The soybean harvest has started in the southern part of the region with reports of average to slightly above average yields. Sunflowers are starting to mature and some producers are looking at desiccation. Corn silage is being done with yields looking average to above average.
Pastures are declining but recent rains should help. Several producers are looking at moving cows to fall pastures or feeding. Feed looks to be average to above average yields. Dugouts are 80% full.
Northwest Region
Windy weather through the week dried conditions enough that harvest operations resumed mid-week in the Northwest Region. However, widespread rain over the weekend brought harvest operations throughout the region to a halt. Swan River received 20 to 35 mm of precipitation, The Pas 30 mm and amounts ranged from 25 to 50 mm around the Roblin and Dauphin areas. Cooler overnight temperatures with frost mid-week resulted in some visible crop damage. Heavy morning dews and foggy conditions also reduced the available harvest time window.
Producers are pressing forward with harvest operations with the red spring wheat harvest nearing completion in most of the region; it’s 95% complete in the Swan River and Dauphin areas and 85 to 90% in Roblin and The Pas. Much of the grain combined over the last two weeks was harvested at tough moisture levels that required drying; quality is average to below average. Spring wheat yields are ranging from 50 to 70 bu/acre. The barley harvest has begun with 20% of the barley acres combined in the Swan Valley area, and approximately 40% of the barley acres combined in the Roblin area. Approximately 70% of the oats in the Swan Valley have been harvested.
Canola harvest continues with most canola in the region mature and much of it swathed. Some straight combining has occurred around the Dauphin area with approximately 80% of the acres in the Dauphin area harvested. In Swan Valley 70% of the canola is combined, 50% is combined in the Roblin area and 75 to 80% is swathed in The Pas area with 10% combined. Canola yields are variable and quality is average with reports of 50 to 65 bu/acre in the Swan Valley.
Field pea harvest operations are generally complete with the soybean harvest just beginning. Corn remains standing. Weeds are actively growing and some post-harvest fieldwork has taken place, as conditions allow.
Weekend rainfall will delay forage harvest operations. When conditions dry, the late seeded greenfeed and second cut alfalfa acres that remain to be harvested will be put up. Corn silage harvest began last week and will resume when fields are dry enough to handle the equipment traffic. Pastures are holding their own for this time of year.
Central Region
Near seasonal temperatures and minimal precipitation through the week helped with harvest progress in the Central Region. Shorter days and heavy dews limit combining hours. Rain fell over the weekend with most of the region receiving 15 to 25 mm. All areas will need some sun and wind to get back into the fields.
Harvest completion is estimated at 75 to 90% in the region, dependent on mix of crops in the area and cooperation of weather conditions. The majority of the cereals are harvested. A few fields remain that are too wet to combine. Straw is being baled and removed from cereal fields. Harvest of canola continues, with majority of acres complete. Canola yields range from 10 to 60 bu/acre, with an average in the 30 to 40 bu/acre range. Some producers chose to harvest canola before cereals. Flax is being harvested, with initial reports in the 25 to low 30 bushel range; higher yields over 40 bu/acre are reported in the central part of the region.
Rapid change is seen in soybeans. Leaf drop has occurred in most fields. Pod height this year has allowed for excellent pick up of bottom pods. Harvest continues, with some excellent yields of 45 bu/acre to over 60 bu/acre in areas less impacted by excess moisture. Lower yields range from 15 to 35 bu/acre in the wettest areas. Some later maturing varieties were harvested last week to beat the rains; however, straw hadn’t dried down sufficiently and resulted in some harvest issues.
Harvest continues in edible beans as conditions allow. Navy bean yields are reported in the 2000 lb/acre range in Portage area. Yields are estimated to be 200 to 300 lbs/acre lower than average provincially, and 400 lbs/acre lower than average in the Altona area due to excess moisture issues.
Most sunflowers are in the R7 to R9 stage, with colour change evident. Some early harvest reported; no yields to date. Corn is maturing: most fields are R5 (dent), with some reaching physiological maturity. Drydown is noticeable. A couple of early fields have been tried, with moisture contents at 30%. Corn silage is being harvested, with favourable results. Potato harvest is in full swing. Yields are above average and quality is average.
Weed growth continues, supported by the constant moisture in fields. Germination has continued through the season, and after herbicide applications were complete, causing some harvest problems. Fall tillage continues. Good progress has been made on cereal and canola fields where conditions allow. Good regrowth is beneficial to limit potential for volunteers in next year’s crops.
The majority of winter cereal seeding is complete. Conditions have been good with warm soils and decent topsoil moisture for an early establishment. Heavy rains following seeding have resulted in some thin stands, especially in low areas. Anticipated acres similar to last year’s seeded acres.
Some last hay cut is being taken on fields with good regrowth and yield potential. Good quality is being reported. Forage growth on pastures has slowed. However, the recent rains will help pastures stay green to the end of the growing season. Producers are considering extended grazing options for the fall, including second cut hay fields, stubble or swath grazing. Livestock water supply is adequate.
Eastern Region
In the Eastern Region last week, daytime temperatures were cool to seasonal. There were only sporadic and localized light rainfall events occurring until the weekend when rainfall, ranging from light mists and showers to storms with downpours, occurred across the entire region. Rainfall accumulations varied from 10 mm to over 30 mm. Before the weekend, soybean harvest started mid-week with producers harvesting wherever possible given the weekend weather forecast at the time.
Canola harvest is estimated 98% complete with reported yields ranging from 20 to 50 bu/acre range with an average yield of 30 bu/acre.
Most soybeans are at the R8 growth stage (fully mature) and most fields are ready to harvest. Soybean harvest is estimated at 10% complete. Reported yields range from 40 to 50 bu/acre with an average yield of 45 bu/acre. To date, soybean harvest is concentrated on fields that were drier and less stressed by excess moisture conditions throughout the growing season. Most soybeans harvested are testing dry at 14% seed moisture or lower but some were harvested as high as 17.5%. In some cases, harvesting speed had to be slowed to accommodate tough straw. Increased harvest challenges due to green material such as weeds and volunteer crops are noted. As a result, preharvest weed management is more prevalent than in past years.
Sunflowers are in the R9 growth stage (physiologically mature) and desiccation is complete. Corn is in the R6 growth stage (physiologically mature) with the black layer forming at the base of the kernel.
Winter wheat seeded earlier this fall is in the three leaf growth stage and has one tiller.
Across the Eastern Region, the majority of pastureland is rated in good condition. Availability of livestock water is adequate. Approximately 90% of the hay fields are cut and baled with some second cut hay to be cut and baled. Some of those fields will be grazed instead of cut. Winter feed supplies are rated as 20% surplus and 80% adequate for hay and 100% adequate for straw, greenfeed and feed grain.
Interlake Region
With the weekend rainfall, fields in the Interlake Region are wet. Most of the area received rainfall amounts between 1 to 17 mm. Temperatures have also started to fall with night temperatures reaching single digits.
Most producers were harvesting soybeans later in the week, trying to complete as much harvest prior to the forecasted weekend rain. Soybean yields range from 40 to 50 bu/acre. All cereals and canola acres are harvested, with a few exceptions where canola is waiting to be harvested. Sunflowers and corn fields are turning colour; however, harvesting of these crops has not yet started. Corn fields are between R5 (dent stage) and R6 (physiological maturity). Some sunflower fields are at the R8 stage with others reaching physiological maturity. 
Producers are making progress with fall tillage operations. Winter wheat has emerged. Some fields are at the two leaf stage.
Producers continue to ensile greenfeed and alfalfa/grass stands. Most of the corn silage is still standing as it is too moist to ensile properly. Pasture growth is slowing with shorter days and cooler temperatures; as a result, some cattle are being moved to hay fields or starting to be fed stored feeds. There is adequate water for livestock consumption.
Source : Manitoba Agriculture