Long Harvest Days Re-enforce Powerline Safety Reminder

Sep 06, 2016
With harvest in full gear producers are being reminded to look up and live.
Kevin Schwing is Sask Power's Director of Health and Safety.
He says every year someone on the farm or contracted to do work on the farm – like moving a grain bin, auger is injured or killed as a result of coming in contact with overhead power lines:
"We talk about 'look up and live'. It does sound like a slogan, but it really is that simple when it comes to overhead lines.
Look up, identify them and plan the work accordingly - avoid them, pick a different route, lower equipment if going under lines is needed and use a spotter to prevent contact," he said.
Sask Power recommends periodic rest breaks, making sure equipment is shut off to do repairs and replace all guards on the equipment. These are just a few of the things that can prevent a serious accident.
Source : Discoverestevan
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