The work day is not over when James Lamb clocks out from his job as an environmental specialist with Prestage Farms. Instead of going home, it’s time to head over to his hog farm in Sampson County.
He checks on the pigs in his two barns, ensuring they have plenty of feed and water, inspects the lagoon, and examines the spray field that fertilizes his five acres of crops. He reviews transportation schedules to see when animals will be coming and going.
These tasks, though, do not feel like work.
“This is my refuge,” he said. “When I’m off the clock and I come down here it’s usually just me and the pigs, my dogs, and nature. The farm is my favorite place to be. It doesn’t feel like work. It’s like when you’re a kid and you can’t wait to get out of school ’cause you’re going to change clothes and go out to play.”