The province has announced that livestock producers who have been affected by dry conditions on pasture can apply for funding to support water access and management under Ag Action Manitoba.
“We recognize that many producers are feeling the effects of our dry summer and that they may require additional assistance to secure a safe and reliable water supply for their livestock,” said Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler. “Properly functioning and adequately protected ground and surface water sources are essential to ensuring the health of livestock and ground water sources.”
Funding is provided through the Managing Livestock Access to Riparian Areas beneficial management practice (BMP) under Ag Action Manitoba – Assurance.
Eligible projects and related costs include:
- drilling new or deepening existing wells, test hole drilling, screening, casing, well caps and related activities;
- installing water pumps and required plumbing components and related activities, such as professional and contractor fees;
- constructing new or rehabilitating existing dugouts including professional and contractor fees; and
- establishing alternative watering system equipment and permanent fencing to restrict livestock access to surface water and dugouts.
To be eligible, applicants must complete an environmental farm plan (EFP). Producers have until Nov. 1, 2020, to submit their EFP statement of completion.