Last Call to Apply For USDA'S Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

Aug 28, 2020

Dairy farmers are eligible for direct support through USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). CFAP offers direct financial assistance to agricultural producers, providing them the ability to weather the economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19. Dairy producers not enrolling in the CFAP will miss out on millions of dollars of financial aid aimed at helping them deal with low prices in 2020.
USDA is accepting CFAP applications through Friday, September 11. Visit to determine your eligibility and to apply for assistance.
Apply for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers multiple ways for you to apply for CFAP to meet your business needs. These include:
  • Apply Online: Producers with an eAuthentication account can now apply for CFAP via USDA’s CFAP Application Portal. Step-by-step instructions are available in the CFAP Application Portal User Guide. Applications are completed, electronically signed, and submitted directly to a local Service Center through this online system. Producers interested in creating an eAuthentication account should visit gov/sign-in to learn more. Producers without an eAuthentication account also have the option of signing and sharing their CFAP applications online using our new document signature solutions initiated by Service Center staff.
  • Manually Complete Applications: Producers who are interested in filling out the CFAP application manually can download the application form, AD-3114, to fill out and return to the FSA office at their local USDA Service Center. If you need more space, you should use the AD-3114A continuation form. Instructions for form AD-3114 and AD-3114 continuation are available for producers to reference when filling out both forms.

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