International Standards Could Be Solution To Dockage Issue

Sep 02, 2016
As discussions about the allowance on canola dockage continue between China and Canada, the president of Canada's largest general farm organization thinks international standards need to be developed for commodity shipments.
Ron Bonnett of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture says in order for consistency in trade to be achieved, scientific standards need to be agreed upon and accepted across the world.
"I think it's going to have to be done commodity by commodity, but I think it has to be at the international level, whether it's through the WTO or other international bodies to get it entrenched in trade agreements that these are the standards we recognize and they're what's going to be accepted. Otherwise it just leads to a complete building of uncertainty," he says.
Bonnett also says China's proposed change in dockage would not only affect canola, but a number of other commodities.
Source : Portageonline
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