Improving AFSC’s offerings for today’s ag industry

Jan 17, 2025

Agriculture Financial Services (AFSC) is here to support you as you grow your farming business. With crop insurance, income stabilization, lending and livestock price insurance options, AFSC can help you manage your risk and grow your business.

For 2025, we’ve made a few changes to our products to optimize them for today’s agriculture industry.

Crop insurance

AFSC is making improvements to several crop insurance offerings for the 2025 crop year. Changes include improving payment timing for Silage Greenfeed Barley Proxy Insurance, the addition of mixed grain as a primary crop for cocktail crops under Silage Greenfeed Insurance, the expansion of soft white spring wheat risk areas for pedigreed growers, and a new claim deadline for wildlife excreta damage in the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.

Updates for 2025:

  • Silage Greenfeed Insurance – Barley Proxy payments: AFSC will use harvested production report data and post-harvest data to speed up payment timelines. This means payments may occur earlier than the usual timeline of April or May.
  • Cocktail Crops in Silage Greenfeed Insurance – Barley Proxy and Lack of Moisture: Mixed grain is being added as an eligible primary crop. This means cocktail crops with two cereal crops making up the majority of the plant stand, 35 per cent or greater, will now be eligible for coverage as a cocktail crop.
  • Soft white spring wheat pedigree insurance expansion: Clients in risk areas 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16 now have the option to insure soft white spring wheat for pedigreed end use, subject to the terms of the insuring agreement.

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