Corn: After building a huge net short position in futures this summer, the funds started covering. Their repositioning (buying) continued into late November, leaving them with a moderate net long position today. Time will tell if the funds continue to buy - or start selling again if there is a trade war in 2025 or if the weather in South America remains favourable. One certainty is spot corn prices would be a lot lower if the funds had not been active buyers over the past few months.
Soybeans: After covering their shorts the early stages of harvest, sending prices higher, the funds started rebuilding their short position in soybeans in November. Current positioning is moderately negative/bearish. There is the potential for a larger downturn linked to fund activity if US demand is worse than expected this winter or Brazil crop ideas remain huge. On the other hand, a positive surprise could ignite another short-covering rally.
Soybean meal: Of all the markets, positioning in meal is one of the most extreme. Funds hold a massive net short position in meal futures. This does not tell us when the market will form a low or at what price. It does indicate a tremendous amount of money is leaning on the short side. It could be time to start watching soybean meal closely for bottoming signals.
Wheat: Funds are currently moderately short in Chicago and KC winter wheat futures, having added to their positions during the downturn of the past couple of weeks.