Saskatchewan Agriculture reports combines have started rolling into the fields in the drier regions of the province, especially the west central and southwest regions.
Saskatchewan Agriculture released its weekly crop report this morning.
Mackenzie Hladun, a crop extension specialist with Saskatchewan Agriculture, says dry conditions are impacting parts of the province and many producers are hoping for immediate rain.
Quote-Mackenzie Hladun-Saskatchewan Agriculture:
This past week we saw quite a few combines making it out into the fields, especially in west central and southwest regions of Saskatchewan.
Many other areas of the province are preparing for harvest operations.
Others are preparing equipment and getting those combines ready or also by applying desiccant.
Those hot and dry conditions that we saw throughout the summer definitely persisted this past week and the crops began to ripen and are ripening quite quickly.
A lot of our producers are hoping for rain once the crops are off to help replenish our soil moisture levels for next year.
Rain this past week, we got some rain in the north part of the province this past week and pockets moved through the northern region and some of those pockets had some hail within them.