Great Plains New Cover Crop Seeder Attachment

Aug 16, 2015

Great Plains Introduces Cover Crop Seeder Attachment

Great Plains News

SALINA, Kansas. – With an increased focus on conservation and soil health, Great Plains introduces the new Turbo-Seeder™ Attachment for Turbo-Max®.

The new attachment offers a cost effective, highly productive method for seeding cover crops with a true vertical tillage finish tool, providing soil benefits of both cover crops and vertical tillage. Turbo-Seeder simultaneously tills soil, sizes residue, and plants cover crops in one pass, while also reducing labor, fuel, and maintenance cost of conventional planters.

Produced in partnership with Gandy Company of Owatonna, Minnesota, Turbo-Seeder is a complete, easy-to-install attachment featuring a 36-bushel hopper, 24 outlets, and a split shaft controlled by two separate clutches. The meter shaft is powered by a 12-volt, 25-amp motor, and an 8-gpm hydraulically-driven fan delivers seed to the diffusers. With both black and red metering wheels, Turbo-Seeder can place high rates of cover crops such as hairy vetch, crimson clover, tillage radish, cereal rye, annual rye, sorghum sudangrass, buckwheat, and alfalfa, as well as small grains such as oats, wheat, and rice barley.

Currently available for 2400, 3000, and 3500 Turbo-Max models, the Turbo-Seeder kit also includes a ladder and walkboard for safe, easy access to the hopper.

To learn more about the new Great Plains Turbo-Seeder, visit



About Great Plains 
Great Plains Manufacturing was founded in 1976 by Roy Applequist and employs over 1,500 people in eight Kansas communities and Sleaford, England. It encompasses five divisions: Great Plains Ag, which manufactures seedbed preparation, nutrient application, and seed placement equipment; Land Pride, which manufactures grounds maintenance tools such as mowers, rototillers, rotary cutters, and dirt-working equipment; Great Plains International, which sells the company’s products worldwide; Great Plains Trucking, which operates a nationwide fleet of flatbed trucks; and Great Plains Acceptance Corporation, which finances the company’s products. Great Plains Mfg., Inc., is headquartered in Salina, Kansas, and is a family-owned business.

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