Grasshopper Numbers Expected To Rise In 2015

Jan 19, 2015
For about the fourth year in a row, Manitoba's grasshopper population is expected to increase.
John Gavloski, entomologist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development says this is mainly due to hotter, drier summers.
Gavloski explains the 2015 forecast doesn't suggest an outbreak, but it does suggest pockets of higher numbers.
He reminds producers to start scouting early.
"What we really encourage the growers to do is get out there, scout those field edges," he said. "Those early, heavy concentrations are much easier to deal with than if you wait until say late July or August when they get their wings. Once they get their wings, if they're heavily concentrated, they'll start moving and migrating and will spread themselves out throughout the field."
He notes producers should start scouting for grasshoppers in late May or early June.
Gavloski says western areas of the province are most likely to see an increase this year.
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