Grain Elevators Of Manitoba Documented In New Book

Dec 04, 2017

Jim Pearson, an author from Delia, AB, has continued his book series on the grain elevators of Western Canada. 
His latest book is Vanishing Sentinels: Volume IV The Remaining Grain Elevators of Manitoba.
This book took about two and a half summers to compile all of the information and the pictures.
"I had a friend of mine...go around Manitoba photographing everything he could, from The Pas all the way down to the U.S. border in Manitoba, and as far east as you can go in Manitoba," remarked Pearson.
This is his fourth book of the series which includes grain elevators from BC through to Manitoba.  
"We did Alberta and BC in 2012. We updated the original book that was done in 2007. West Saskatchewan was done in 2009 and east Saskatchewan in 2013."
The latest book is available in paper or digital format. Pearson has also created a new calendar that documents the grain elevators that have been lost or destroyed in the past year.