Even if droughts don’t kill plants, high temperatures lower the yield. To overcome this, farmers irrigate their crops — but irrigation water usually has a high salt content, because freshwater is too much in demand. This raises the salinity of the soil, which lowers the yield of most crops that grow in it. Finally, flooding caused by extreme weather events leaves plants standing in water, creating hypoxic conditions that stop plants absorbing oxygen through their roots. This also lowers the yield of most plants.
The seeds of success
Shabala and colleague Prof Michael Palmgren from the University of Copenhagen lay out two options. The first is that we could introduce genes which support resistance to environmental stress into existing high-yield crops. This is easier where there is a close relative to borrow genes from, or where the gene remains in the plant’s DNA but has been deactivated. However, many genes contribute to resistance to environmental stress, and including multiple additional novel traits in a new varietal is difficult.
The second option is that we could domesticate wild plants which are resistant to environmental stresses but have lower yields than modern crops. This has been successful in comparatively simple cases where only small changes need to be made, but it’s unclear whether there are enough simple cases to help assure our food supply.
It’s too early at this point to know which strategy will succeed, the scientists say. However, the same critical elements are essential to the success of both: innovative gene-editing and other precision breeding technologies driven by accurate cell-based phenotyping and public acceptance of the new crops.
“One of the current challenges is to match recent scientific advances with public perception of new technologies,” cautioned Shabala. “The issue is highly politicized and there are significant commercial interests involved. And due to a lack of specific knowledge, the general public cannot distinguish the subtle differences amongst various technologies, and relies on opinions in the media.”
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