From Food Security to Farm Robotics, Province Invests $ 8 Million in U of G Research

Aug 01, 2023

Supporting food security in Northern Ontario First Nations, making biocomposite parts for electric vehicles and using robotics for weeding vegetable crops are among nearly 50 University of Guelph agri-food research projects to receive over $8 million in new funding from the Ontario government.  

Announced today, the funding is intended to develop U of G innovations that support industry and make a difference to Ontario farmers and consumers. 

For 2023, 47 research projects that enhance plant health and protection, protect animal health and welfare, drive economic development and promote environmental sustainability will be funded through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, the unique collaboration between the University of Guelph and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). 

The projects involve researchers in multiple colleges across campus including the College of Biological Science, the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, the Ontario Agricultural College, and the Ontario Veterinary College.  

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