Forage sampling and analysis is necessary to determine nutrient content in forages. The nutrient content in forages is greater during vegetative stage. Knowing forage nutrient content ensures there are enough feed nutrients to meet feed requirements. Forage laboratory analysis results can also help to determine if a supplemental feed plan is necessary.
Number of Animals and Breeding Season
The size of the pasture or forage mass should be taken under consideration when deciding the number of animals that are allowed to graze in a pasture. A breeding season should be planned based on forage growth and availability. Generally, the pregnancy period for sheep and goats is between 147 and 152 days. It is important to have high quality forage during the last six weeks of pregnancy and the first 60 days after kidding or lambing. Therefore, farmers should decide the lambing or kidding season when forage yield is at its peak.
Key Questions to Ask
Ask the following questions when developing a forage and production plan for sheep and goats:
What is the ideal lambing and kidding season?
- Early lambing: In March
- Late lambing: Late April and May
- Fall lambing: Between September and November
What forage species are present on the farm?
- Cool, warm season forages
- Annual or perennials
- Grasses and legumes
How do I maintain existing pasture, and how is available forage going to meet certain production stages?
- Forage mass should reflect the number of animals to feed.
What forage management strategies should I adopt?
- Keep grazing height above 5 inches to reduce parasite exposure.
- Allow 90 percent of larvae in bottom 4 inches from the ground.
A clear and detailed plan on a pasture management and breeding program is key to match forage quality with different production stages. Any decision about the lambing or kidding season should be taken under consideration when it comes to forage growth and availability. A production plan should also allow producers to make adjustments in order to achieve agribusiness objectives.
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