I’m a farmer in Waterloo Region and in addition to being a director with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), I’m also the OFA’s representative on the board of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA).
While the OFA has been following this legislation since it was first introduced, it’s the CFA that has been leading the response of the farming community to this bill, including meeting with Members of Parliament and Senators to outline our concerns.
Let me be clear: farmers are not opposed to pandemic preparedness. In fact, farmers are always on alert for diseases in our herds, flocks and crops. We take disease prevention seriously in all segments of our sector, from poultry and pigs to field and horticulture crops, through very specific practices we follow called biosecurity.
The concern with the bill stems from some of the sections proposing to regulate animal agriculture and phase out so-called high risk species, as well as promoting alternative proteins and suggesting antimicrobial resistance is solely a problem caused by livestock farming.
A section of the bill, for example, includes language promoting the production and use of alternative proteins, the regulation of “industrial” animal agriculture and the phasing out of high risk species, and the reduction of risks posed by antimicrobial resistance.
First of all, there are no definitions attached to such broad and generalized terms, which could easily be interpreted or used to lead to over-regulation or elimination of livestock farming. It also suggests that livestock farming in Canada has been the cause of pandemics, which is not the case.
Animal-based proteins like meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy are recognized as high quality protein sources that provide essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the human diet, and there is no evidence that they cause pandemics – nor that promoting proteins from alternative sources would reduce pandemic risk.
Antimicrobial resistance is a global concern for human and animal health, and we should be taking the One Health approach to addressing it. One Health recognizes that the health of people is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment and that effective solutions will focus on all three areas.
Antimicrobials play an important role in animal and human health, and overuse and misuse are a problem in both people and animals. For the livestock industry, antimicrobial stewardship has become a priority and we’ve taken significant steps in the past decade to dramatically lower use and ensure that when we do have to use these products, we do it in a more targeted and effective way.
To avoid unintended consequences for livestock farmers, we’ve been asking for removal of the section that promotes the production and use of alternative proteins, the regulation of animal agriculture, and the phase-out of high-risk species.
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