“It’s kind of a mixed bag,” he said. “They’re more informed than ever before, but oftentimes, the information they’re getting isn’t completely correct. Everyone knows the internet can be a source of good or bad information. I encounter both when I run into consumers.”
Brunkow urges farmers and ranchers who market their products locally to be transparent with purchasers.
“I think it's very important that we're completely honest and upfront with anybody that asks questions,” he said. “A lot of our lamb competitors are organic and grass-fed. My product is fed grain, and I will use antibiotics if necessary. I’m open about that.”
These conversations can benefit non-rural individuals and producers alike, Brunkow said.
“They’re great feedback for me. If I can't explain, describe and feel good about what I'm telling them, I need to take a deeper look at my operation. It’s a two-way street, and we also need to listen,” he said.
Producers can be forthright with their customers in other ways besides conversation.
“We open our farm up to any of our customers at any time,” Brunkow said. “Especially when we lamb, we encourage them to come out, watch and see what we're doing.”
The most frequent questions Brunkow receives at farmer’s markets revolve around animal husbandry.
“They want to know what we feed them, if we have treated them with antibiotics and if we follow all the withdrawal periods,” he said.
A common reservation shoppers have about purchasing protein includes the humane treatment of meat animals. Brunkow said producers need to capitalize on their credibility with the public to ensure they know that animal welfare ranks at the top of their priorities.
“I've seen polls that say farmers and ranchers are some of the most trusted professionals. We need to make sure that we use that to tell our story and to let people know how much we care for our animals,” he said.
The environmental sustainability of meat animal production has become another big concern for consumers.
“I tell people that my ewes graze places that we can’t raise crops on. I explain to them that the air, water and land that I'm on are very important to me,” Brunkow said. “I'm a fifth-generation rancher and I’m trying to make sure that our operation is around for the sixth.”
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