Farm families to be honoured at RMWF

Nov 29, 2017

The Provincial Exhibition will honour six farm families for their commitment to agriculture and the community during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair.
The awards, which are sponsored by BMO, have been handed out in Alberta for more than two decades and in southwestern Ontario for more than a decade, but it will mark the first time Manitoba families will be honoured.
"As an ag society in Manitoba with 135 years of history, we are very excited to add this program to the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair," RMWF general manager Ron Kristjansson said.
"Recognizing the achievement and commitment of the farm families across our province is an important goal for our community. In an era where our people’s thirst for knowledge on food production is unparalleled, hearing real life stories of families that grow our food is critical to knowing the facts."
Nominations for deserving farm families are open until Dec. 15 online at
RMWF runs March 26-31 at the Keystone Centre.

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