Dairy producers can use the Harvest Lab 3000 to measure moisture, dry matter, protein, starch, and much more on the go.
With JDLink, dairy operators can see all of the critical and timely information they need about their machinery from afar. This makes equipment management a breeze.
John Deere Connected Support
John Deere Connected Support gives dairy producers the help they need to keep their equipment running smoothly.
Manure Constituents Sensing
With manure constituents sensing, dairy operators can measure liquid manure nutrient levels in real-time. This allows them to apply nutrients more precisely while using data to make more informed decisions.
Operations Center
The John Deere Operations Center gives users an opportunity to see exactly what’s happening within their operation. This allows for improvements to be made along the way.
AutoTrac from John Deere ensures that users are not overlapping out in the field. Ultimately, this can reduce fatigue while boosting productivity.
Cutting Equipment
John Deere has self-propelled windrowers and drapers to make swathing a breeze. Mower Conditioners also allow customers to cover more acres with greater tractor compatibility.
Enhancing the Efficiency of Dairy Operations
The solutions listed above are designed to help dairy producers make the most of their time. Capabilities of these solutions include the following.
Drying and Gathering
With Frontier Rotary Rakes and Wheel Rakes from Deere, dairy producers can easily maximize their output and save time, regardless of the terrain.
Bale and Chop
Baling hay and chopping silage have never been easier, thanks to the baling equipment and self-propelled forage harvesters from John Deere.
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