Since many family-run grain farms are structured as corporations, family members can become shareholders in the corporation. During the sale of a farm, shareholders can each use their lifetime capital gains exemption upon the sale of their shares. While the combination of two lifetime capital gain exemptions would help reduce the taxes owing by each individual, ultimately the proposed changes will still result in a substantial increase in taxes, according to the GGC research.
In examples provided by the GGC, an 800-acre farm purchased in 1996 in Ontario would incur nearly C$1.2 million in additional taxes if sold today, while a 4,000-acre farm in Saskatchewan would face an increase of just over C$900,000.
“With over 40 per cent of farmers nearing retirement over the next decade, this tax increase introduces substantial uncertainty into their retirement planning,” said Andre Harpe, GGC Chair and Alberta grain farmer in the release. “Despite Budget 2024’s title of ‘Fairness for Every Generation,’ this change will actually burden the next generation of farmers, who are already grappling with costly transfers.”
With the higher taxes leading to increased costs for transferring a farm to the next generation, “this puts the family farm at risk, as the only ones that will be able to afford to pay millions of extra dollars will either be corporate farms or development companies,” said Larkin.
Already, Canada is experiencing a decline in family-owned farms, with a two per cent decrease between 2016 and 2021, according to the most recent data from Statistics Canada.
“To protect family farms, we are asking the government to exempt intergenerational transfers and allow them to be taxed at the original capital gains inclusion rate,” said Larkin. “This will ensure that farmers’ retirement plans remain secure and that the next generation can afford to take over, enabling family farms to continue being the backbone of Canada’s agriculture sector.”
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