Alberta Grains is a commission run for farmers, by farmers. At regional meetings each fall, eligible producers have the opportunity to accept nominations to represent the commission through the election of regional directors and delegates.
Each region in the province has two regional director positions and four delegate positions within their constituency. These roles allow the opportunity for farmers from across the province to put their names forward and make their voices heard as to what is needed to drive both the commission and agriculture forward in Alberta. Both director and delegate positions are eligible for per diem and travel expense reimbursement outlined in the commission's policy handbook.
Director responsibilities include attending Alberta Grains board meetings, the annual general meeting, various committee meetings, and an annual regional meeting. Additionally, directors represent Alberta Grains on various third-party councils and committees as well as at numerous community and industry events. Eligible producers elect the directors.
Farmers interested in becoming directors must have their names put forward through the nomination forms that will be available in September 2024.
Delegate responsibilities include attending the Alberta Grains annual general meeting, as well as an annual regional meeting every fall. Delegates may also be invited to represent Alberta Grains at community and trade events and on committees. Eligible producers elect the delegates.
Farmers interested in becoming delegates must be available to participate in the nomination and election process during the fall regional meeting in their region. If a farmer is unavailable to participate in person, please contact to make alternative arrangements.
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