Research conducted by North Carolina State University shows effective cleaning and disinfection of swine transport vehicles disrupts the movement of disease.
North Carolina State University with funding from the Swine Health Information Center conducted a study which looked at the risk of disease spread associated with swine transport vehicle movement.
SHIC Associate Director Dr. Lisa Becton says, to better understand the movement networks within different systems, disease transmission risks and the interventions that can be used to reduce those risks, scientists analyzed GPS data collected from 823 vehicles over one year in two different regions of the United States.
Quote-Dr. Lisa Becton-Swine Health Information Center:
It focused on the GPS data from vehicles transporting pigs, feed and people.It gathered a lot of information such as premises ID, the GPS locations, it utilized pork supply plans to understand boundaries of the farm.What it found was cleaning and disinfection and the time that it takes to do that process can disrupt what they call the networks of connection between farms.