Effect of Xyway Fungicide on Corn Germination

Effect of Xyway Fungicide on Corn Germination
Aug 11, 2021

By Jenny Carleo

Does applying Xyway fungicide (flutriafol) in-furrow at planting negatively affect seedling germination in corn?

NC State Extension gives an independent report on what happens when we compare seedling emergence in treated versus untreated plots.

This trial was planted at the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Piedmont Research Station in Salisbury, NC on April 29, 2021, in a Lloyd clay loam with a no-till planter. Starter fertilizer (10-27-0) was used in both control and Xyway treated plots at a rate of 10 gallons/acre. The variety is AgVenture AV3917YHB and is a dual-use, 117-day variety. Seeding rate was 32,000 seeds/acre to be harvested for silage. Full results will be posted after harvest.


Source : ncsu.edu
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