How does this work?
Any row-crop farmer with potatoes in the rotation in Michigan is eligible to participate. Once enrolled, select up to three fields of choice, and a member of the team will visit your fields and soil sample prior to planting and 60 days after planting in 2025. Results will be shared back through a report and an optional consultation.
Included in the soil assessment is a routine nutrient test report, pH, texture, soil respiration (similar to the Solvita test), permanganate oxidizable carbon (sensitive carbon measure, strongly related to SOM), Autoclaved-citrate extractable protein (organically bound pool of nitrogen), enzymatic activity (indicative of microbial activity and nutrient cycling) and nematode quantification and identification (beneficial and parasitic nematodes).
How to sign up: Complete an enrollment survey
Enrollment Deadline: April 25, 2025
For more information, please reach out to MSU Extension field crop educator, Monica Jean, at or call 616-443-8782.
This work is a partnership that includes Michigan State University, Michigan State University Extension and the Michigan Potato Industry Commission.
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